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The Haskins Global Literacy Hub has continued developing the Resource Library to improve its usability and increase the availability of resources.
Here are a few of the changes:
Our team has developed a brief questionnaire for first-time users to determine which resource category is most helpful to a student.
Search bar
You can now search for a specific resource, skill, or activity.
We have simplified the resource keywords to reflect the audience (e.g. parents, educators), format (e.g. videos, books) and the type of each resource (e.g. activities, professional development)
The Resource Library is now fully responsive for desktop computers, tablets and phones!
Quick start Guides
Our team has worked hard to make the introduction to the Library as easy as possible with these guides that explain the different reading levels, give a snapshot of what the science says and point towards excellent resources to start with. Have a look!
The Resource Library was developed in response to the interruptions caused by COVID-19 to help parents and educators find free, useful, research-based literacy resources.
We encourage all parents to support their children’s literacy development by using some of the Resource Library materials to develop or strengthen skills essential to the development of a “reading brain.”
We are grateful to all the organizations that support the Resource Library by providing resources at no cost, as well as the researchers who have dedicated their time and effort to review and organize all these resources!
Discover the new Resource Library
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