Join New York Assemblymember Robert Carroll introduce the Resource Library with Dr. Ben Powers, Director of the Haskins Global Literacy Hub, Dr. Maureen Lovett and Dr. John Russell. Participants to this event will hear about free resources to help support children to learn during COVID 19.

The Resource Library is an extensive collection of free, high-quality materials to support effective reading instruction for children and teens. It is organized by the different stages of reading development and provides research-based resources appropriate to use with children from infancy to adolescence. All of the resources have been reviewed by leading literacy experts affiliated with Haskins Laboratories.

The Panelists

Dr. Ben Powers

Dr. Ben Powers

Director of the SouthPort School

Dr. Ben Powers is Director of the Haskins Global Literacy Hub and an affiliated research scientist at Haskins Laboratories. He is also Head of The Southport School in Southport, CT, and Founder of The Southport CoLAB. Benjamin Powers, DBA, is a practitioner, researcher, and advocate who develops opportunities to integrate research and practice for children and adults with reading difficulties and attention issues. He works to build collaborative community partnerships to close the literacy gap and supports the needs of diverse learners while focusing on the importance of developing sustainable platforms of opportunity through social entrepreneurship.

Dr. John Russell

Dr. John Russell

Director of the Windward Institute

Dr. John J. Russell is the Special Projects Advisor to, and former Director of The Windward Institute. Dr. Russell is also an Associate Director of the Haskins Global Literacy Hub. Before leading The Windward Institute, Dr. Russell served thirteen years as head of The Windward School and served for 11 years as superintendent of schools in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York.

Dr. Maureen Lovett

Dr. Maureen Lovett

Professor Emerita of Pediatrics and Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto

Dr. Maureen W. Lovett is an Associate Director of the Haskins Global Literacy Hub. She is a Senior Scientist Emeritus in the Neurosciences and Mental Health Program of Toronto’s Hospital For Sick Children and Professor Emerita of Pediatrics and Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto. She has contributed to learning disabilities research and practice for the past 40 years, and is known internationally for her research on interventions for children and youth who struggle with reading.

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