FREE Teaching Writing Webinar Series

This two-part series will focus on remedying intra-paragraph issues

Each session will enhance participants’ ability to provide instruction that remedies common intra-paragraph issues seen within students’ writing. The sessions will include handouts and interactive activities.

April 28th from 7-8pm ET: Theme-Centered Sentence Development

To write any composition, writers engage in many processes. However, “of all the tools a writer stocks his or her toolkit with, one of the most basic, yet most critical, is the ability to construct sentences” (Sadler, 2019). Since this is the foundation on which all composition skills are built, sentence level instruction and practice can not be dismissed. This session will spotlight sentence composition activities that can be applied to the classroom through a theme-centered approach.

May 12th from 7-8pm ET: "Micro-Discourse" Revision: Cohesion and Detail Elaboration

Reviewing and revising play a tremendously important role in improving students’ writing at the paragraph level. However, students are often unclear about how to improve their writing. One effective approach is to teach students about a variety of elaboration details that can be used to support the key ideas in their writing. This session will spotlight the Detail Circle strategy, developed by Jennings and Haynes, which supports students’ ability to effectively elaborate in their compositions. instruction and practice can not be dismissed. This session will spotlight sentence composition activities that can be applied to the classroom through a theme-centered approach.

Webinars will be recorded and shared with all registrants.

AIM Institute for Learning & Research

The AIM Institute for Learning & Research®, in tandem with AIM Academy, was launched in 2006 with the belief that teachers can best serve struggling learners when they are knowledgeable about current trends in the neurological and behavioral bases of learning and reading.  AIM’s vision was to create a bridge between this research and classroom practice, through teacher training in evidence-based practices. Our ultimate goal is to foster a professional learning community hub where top researchers and practitioners can work side-by-side to advance the field of education.

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